Wednesday, September 19, 2012

september bark box

ollie received his September bark box in record speed this month! i wonder if it's to make up for their uber slooooow shipping method from last month?

We are very excited about September's box! {very, very!}  last month's box was a little disappointing for us, as nothing really appealed to him except for the moose antler, which he gave up on after a day and the toy that he played with for 5 minutes.

this month's box is much more up his alley:

september barkbox
product description card:

and a closeup of the goods:

to get more into detail, we love that there are z-bones...ollie loves bones like this to chew on...i think they're easier for him than antlers. he's had a few before, but his ultimate favorites have been terrabones as of late.  he's currently working on the carrot flavor zbone right now.  The whole life treats are also great! ollie loves dehydrated treats like these sweet potato ones and the little bag of dehydrated chicken.  there was also the barkworthies angus power bar that has been his absolute favorite box item. it seems very similar to an antler, but it's much easier for him to chew....he looks for it every day when we go to work. :) There was also a bath wipe (LA fresh) that will come in handy, as he gets wiped down daily before bed (neat freak dad).  The coupon, i'm not sure if we'll use as those sites tend to not be shipping-to-hawaii-friendly...but i'll go check it out.  and lastly, the dud of the box was the hurley toy.  ollie didn't like it at all. oh well...

very great box, barkbox!!! =)

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